Monday, March 1, 2010

We're pregnant, pregnant, pregnant!!!

Hey…Ryan here…
You know how sometimes you envision how an event is going to go? Athletes and actors use the visualization technique to help them in situations…they visualize themselves hitting the perfect pitch, throwing the perfect pass or delivering the perfect soliloquy. It’s a very useful tool. So once we found out we were pregnant I started picturing that first ultrasound, what the baby would look like on the monitor, the look on Megan’s face…everything. It’s a very useful tool, however sometimes life doesn’t see things the way you do in your mind’s eye. Sometimes life is funny.

So when the Dr. performing our ultrasound today, issued this *hilarious* statement: “Oh my.”, life got funny, really funny. At that moment, I realized my skills at reading an ultrasound were better than I would have guessed, you see I was standing behind the doctor, looking at the screen and was confirming what I thought I saw.

I glanced at my wife, whose eyes were fixed on the monitor, she had a look on her face that I’ll never forget.

Then the Dr. said it again: “Oh my.” Ok lady! You better dig deep and pick some new words and be quick about it. “Well…I’m counting three….”

So like that, all my visualization went right out the window…and I stood there slack jawed and amazed. It was all I could do to put my hand over my mouth and just take it all in. In retrospect I know my demeanor didn’t properly convey my joy or the proper reverence for such a moment, but hey I’ve never been told I’m going to be the father of triplets before.

Megan and I had been praying really hard about having a baby…I guessed we overdid it a little. Here’s a warning for anyone interested in the prayer of Jaybez…USE WITH CAUTION. Megan hoped for twins because it’s clearly more efficient use of a parents time.

In a blink I went from being the father to be of one…to father to be of three. Yeah…life is funny.